July-August 2019 Sivan – Tammuz 5779

Summer Break and Summer Deluge

With Shavuot come and gone, we’ve arrived at the long, hot summer gap in the Jewish calendar. And for the Florida calendar, summer means lots of rain! Our annual flood insurance bill has steadily increased over the past four years, and this year it passed $16,000. Please help us meet our regular operating expenses, including these financial challenges. Clearly, we can use your prayers and your donations. Thank you very much for your ongoing support and participation. We are in this together, and God remains in charge.


Starting in July

We’ll switch to an alpha rotation for Oneg duties. We hope this will help make it easier to remember when it is our turn, and to help new attendees know how to jump in, if desired. We’ll rotate weeks by the initial letter of your last name. And on months with five weeks, we take turns. For example, if your last name starts with an L, you would contribute to every month. Speak to a council member if you have questions or concerns. As always, Oneg is intended to provide a light snack to facilitate fellowship after services. It is best to bring a fruit, vegetable, dairy or sweet item and to keep clean up simple. Thanks for contributing to this meaningful tradition.


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